Will Smith

Average rating : Published by Elyazozo on December 18th, 2014

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Question 1
When was Will Smith born ?

Will Smith was born on September 25, 1968.
Will Smith was born on September 11, 1974.
Will Smith was born on January 3rd, 1959.
Question 2
When did he begin rapping ?

Will Smith began rapping at 10 years old.
Will Smith began rapping at 12 years old.
Will Smith began rapping at 16 years old.
Question 3
Who did Will Smith meet in 1984 ?

Will Smith met his idol
Will Smith met his wife.
Will Smith met a DJ.
Question 4
What series did he star in in 1990 ?

Will Smith starred in the series "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
Will Smith starred in the series "Men in Black"
Will Smith starred in the series "After Earth"
Question 5
When did he meet his first wife ?

Will Smith met Sheree Fletcher on May 19, 1987.
Will Smith met Sheree Fletcher on May 9, 1992.
Will Smith met Sheree Fletcher on May 19, 1980.
Question 6
When was his first child born ?

His first child was born on November 11, 1992.
His first child was born on April 9, 1997.
His first child was born on May 19, 1997.
Question 7
What did he star in in 1995 ?

Will Smith starred in the film "Bad Boys".
Will Smith starred in the film "Independence Day".
Will Smith starred in the film "Bad Boys 2".
Question 8
When did Smith meet Jada Pinkett ?

He met Jada Pinkett Smith in 1547.
He met Jada Pinkett Smith in 2007.
He met Jada Pinkett Smith in 1997.
Question 9
When were his children born ?

Jaden was born on July 8, 1998 and Willow was born on October 31, 2000.
Jaden was born on July 8, 1990 and Willow was born on October 31, 2005.
Jaden was born on July 8, 2001 ans Willow was born on October 31, 2007.
Question 10
Who did Will Smith star in in the film "After Earth with ?

He starred in the film "After Earth" with his mother.
He starred in the film "After Earth" with his son.
He starred in the film"After Earth" with his uncle.


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    Quiz information

    Author : Elyazozo
    Difficulty : Medium
    Tags : smith, will, jada, pinkett, ...(more)
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