Average rating : Published by A320quiz on August 2nd, 2015
Airbus a320 FCOM system auto flight naviagation part3

Question 1
About predictions for the primary flight plan, if the flight crew does not fly the flight plan, the MCDU predictions assume that ?

The "selected" data (selected on the FCU)
You will fly back towards the flight-planned route or you will immediately resume flying the FMGC managed modes
Question 2
About predictions for the primary flight plan, if the flight crew does not fly the managed speed profile, the MCDU predictions assume that you will maintain the selected speed until they reach?

In climb or descent phase, the next speed limit or speed constraint if any, or next phase ; in cruise, the top of descent
Until the decel point or when you activate the approach phase
Until the landing
The last way point of the flight plan
Question 3
To get the energy circle symbol (green arc) on the ND, which represents the required distance to land, find the wrong answer below :

The lateral guidance mode is heading or track
The current FMS flight phase is in cruise, descent or approach
The aircraft is within 180nm of the destination
The lateral guidance mode is in NAV (managed)
Question 4
The predicted time of arrival at the TO WPT which is located in the upper right-hand corner of the ND assumes direct distance from the aircraft position to the TO WPT and assumes ?

Current Ground Speed (GS) will be constant
The speed with the prediction data (average wind or wind ins[...]
Question 5
In case of engine-out (EO), the EO target speed computed by the FMGS during climb is?

Green Dot speed
220 kt or green dot + 10 (whichever is greater)
250 kt
275 kt
Question 6
In case of engine-out (EO), the EO target speed computed by the FMGS during cruise is?

Green Dot speed
220 kt or green dot + 10 (whichever is greater)
250 kt
Question 7
The recommended maximum altitude (REC MAX) is the lowest of the maximum altitude, which answer is uncorrect?

The aircraft can reach with 0.3 g buffet margin
The aircraft can fly in level flight at MAX CRZ rating
The aircraft can maintain a V/S of 300 ft/min at MAC CLB thrust
The aircraft can fly at a speed higher than Green Dot and lower than VMO/MMO
The aircraft is certified at
The aircraft can turn with a roll of 66°
Question 8
Predictions for alternates are displayed on the ALTERNATES page, if the airway distance is less than 200 nm, for the calculatuion a default cruise FL equal to?

FL 100
FL 180
FL 220
FL 310
Question 9
Entering a PERF factor of +1.5 means that flight operations have evaluated the aircraft fuel deviation as ?

1.5 %
5 %
15 %
50 %
Question 10
The FMGS uses the IDLE factor to adjust the computationf of? (DATA -> A/C STATUS)

The vertical profile during the descent phase (IDLE segment)
The engines when thrust levers are in IDLE
Question 11
On the INIT B page, on the [4L] ALTN/TIME, it displays alternate trip fuel and time, assuming that the aircraft flies at the default cruise flight level and with the Cost Index ?

CI = 0
CI = 15
CI = 35
CI = 99
Question 12
How many waypoints can be created and stored?

Question 13
How many NAVAIDs can be created and stored?

Question 14
How many RUNWAYs can be created and stored?

Question 15
How many ROUTEs can be created and stored?

Question 16
The Speed Reference Sysrem (SRS) mode will be unavailable at takeoff if ?

You do not enter a V1
You do not enter a VR
You do not enter a V2
You do not enter a FLEX
Question 17
During the cockpit preparation, on the PERF takeoff page "TO SPEED TOO LOW" amber message appears on the MCDU scratch pad, what does it means ?

The inserted V1,VR,V2 speeds do not satisfy the existing regulatory conditions regarding VMCG/VMCA and VS1G speeds
The inserted V1,VR,V2 are too low, you should insert higher speeds
Your Indicated Airspeed (IAS) is too low
You have inserted a V1 below 100 knots
Question 18
During the cockpit preparation, on the PERF takeoff page you have inserted the altitude of the ENG OUT ACC (5R), but what happen if after taking off you have an engine-out, what can you expect on the FMA passing the altitude of the engine out acceleration

Lever climb "LVR CLB" Will flash
The aircraft Will start acceleration until climb speed
Nothing special, it is for display only, as a reminder
"ENG OUT ACC" will flash
Question 19

On the PERF APPR Page, F, S, GREEN DOT and VLS speeds are computed by ?

The Flight Warning Computer (FWC)
The Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA)
The Speed Reference System (SRS)
The Flight Management and Guidance System (FMGS) assuming landing weight
Question 20

On the PERF APPR Page, the VLS is the VLS of ?

The actual VLS according the aircraft configuration
The clean comfiguration
The selected LDG CONF (3 or FULL)
Question 21

On the PERF APPR page, The FMGC (Flight Management and Guidance Computer) computes VAPP speed, using the formula ?

VAPP = VLS + 1/3 of the headwind components (limited to VLS +5 as a minimum and VLS +15 as a maximum)*
VAPP = VLS - tower head wind component
VAPP = VLS + tower head wind component
VAPP = VLS + current head wind component
Question 22

On the PERF APPR page, The FMGC (Flight Management and Guidance Computer) computes VLS which is equal to ?

1,05 VS1G of the selected landing configuration (full or 3)
1,13 VS1G of the selected landing configuration (full or 3)
1,23 VS1G of the selected landing configuration (full or 3)
1,3 VS1G of the selected landing configuration (full or 3)
Question 23
On the PERF GO AROUND page you have inserted the altitude of the ENG OUT ACC (5R), but what happen if after going around if you have an engine-out, what can you expect on the (FMA) passing the altitude of the engine out acceleration?

Lever climb "LVR CLB" Will flash
The aircraft Will start acceleration until climb speed
Nothing special, it is for display only, as a reminder
"ENG OUT ACC" will flash
Question 24

On the PROG page, the OPT (optimum) flight level is computed based on?

The current gross weight
The current gross weight and cost index
The current gross weight, cost index and temperature
The current gross weight, cost index, temperature and wind
Question 25
On the PROG page, the REC MAX (recommended maximum ) altitude is computed based on?

The current gross weight
The current gross weight and temperature, and assuming that anti-ice is off*
The current gross weight and cost index
The current gross weight, cost index and temperature
Question 26

On the PROG page, the REC MAX (recommended maximum ) altitude provides the aircraft with?

A 0,3g buffet margin, a minimum rate of climb at MAX CL (maximum climb) thrust and a level flight at MAX CRZ thrust
A 1g buffet margin, a minimum rate of climb at MAX CL (maximum climb) thrust and a level flight at MAX CRZ thrust
A 1,23g buffet margin, a minimum rate of climb at MAX CL (maximum climb) thrust and a level flight at MAX CRZ thrust
A 1,3g buffet margin, a minimum rate of climb at MAX CL (maximum climb) thrust and a level flight at MAX CRZ thrust
Question 27

On the PROG page, the field of REC MAX (recommended maximum ) altitude is limited to?

FL 390
FL 395
FL 398
FL 410
Question 28

On the PROG page, on the line 4 where is BRG/DIST, if you enter on the field an airport, waypoint, navaid, runway, latitude/longitude (LL), place/bearing/distance (PBD), place-bearing/place-bearing (PBX), it shows?

A radio bearing and distance from site to aircraft position
The FMGC computed bearing and distance from site to aircraft position
Question 29
In case of engine out at take off, the SRS (Speed Reference System) mode maintain a speed target as V2, or the current speed if it higher but no more than?

V2 + 5
V2 + 10
V2 + 15
Question 30
In case of engine out during a go around, the dpeed target is VAPP, or the current speed if higher, limited to?

VLS + 15
V2 + 15
VLS + 10
V2 + 10


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    Author : A320quiz
    Difficulty : Medium
    Tags : a320, system, dsc, 22, fcom
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