
Rank : Zombie
(level 2)

Age : N/A
Gender : female
Country : Belgium
Played quizes : 12
Created quizes : 7
250 points
Was rated in average : 1.67
His/her creations have reached : 37 played games
Comments received : 7
Comments left : 5
Average score in quizes : 67.42%

Registered : February 10th, 2016
Last connection : February 17th, 2016
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pokofansephora01 has no favorites yet

Quizes (7)

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  • Sephora30770fr2016-02-10 22:07:37February 10th, 2016Quiz perso2011.00010.80
  • Le monde de mario30785fr2016-02-12 15:20:17February 12th, 2016Quiz perso8011.00010.80
  • Mathemathique30803fr2016-02-13 19:06:12February 13th, 2016Quiz perso9400.00010.80
  • Aladin30812fr2016-02-14 14:42:30February 14th, 2016Quiz perso7000.00010.80
  • Le monde de sonic30813fr2016-02-14 15:13:40February 14th, 2016Quiz perso5323.00010.80
  • Connait tu vraiment m pokora30815fr2016-02-14 15:35:48February 14th, 2016Quiz perso3000.00010.80
  • Nombre30831fr2016-02-15 16:54:56February 15th, 2016Quiz perso3321.00010.80

Comments (1)

  • faufau4084296Feb 15th, 2016Pk tu ne fais que des quizzs avec seulement 5 questions ?
pokofansephora01 has disabled comments on this page.

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