
Rank : Tanuki
(level 6)

Age : 38 years old
Gender : male
Country : France
Played quizes : 19
Created quizes : 9
3206 points
Was rated in average : 3
His/her creations have reached : 31 played games
Comments received : 0
Comments left : 0
Average score in quizes : 75.37%

Registered : June 15th, 2015
Last connection : June 22nd, 2015
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Quizes (9)

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  • Music 4B27080en2015-06-17 09:45:30June 17th, 2015Music1013.00012.178
  • Art & Literature 4B27081en2015-06-17 09:51:48June 17th, 2015Litterature5000.00018.184
  • Sport 4B27082en2015-06-17 09:39:04June 17th, 2015Sport6000.00019.185
  • Miscellaneous 4B27084en2015-06-17 09:54:08June 17th, 2015Gen. knowledge4000.00017.183
  • Sciences 4B27085en2015-06-17 09:55:25June 17th, 2015Gen. knowledge0000.00017.183
  • LanguaguesQuizz4B27087en2015-06-17 09:56:01June 17th, 2015Aptitude tests4000.00014.180
  • Miscellaneous 4D27126en2015-06-19 14:05:21June 19th, 2015Media/Technos1000.00016.182
  • Geography 4D27127en2015-06-19 14:07:51June 19th, 2015Geography - tourism9000.00017.137
  • Sciences 4D27128en2015-06-19 14:19:07June 19th, 2015Physics3000.00017.144

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