
N'oubliez pas les paroles: Katy Perry

Average rating : Published by FleurDelacour on April 5th, 2014
Bonjour! Pour mon 16e quiz, voici 10 chansons de Katy Perry! A vous de retrouver les paroles! Amusez vous bien!


Attention: Il n'y aura pas d'indices à ce quiz, alors réfléchissez bien.

Indications: Il y aura à chaque fois 2 questions sur chacune des 10 chansons.

Les paroles à retrouver peuvent être avant ou après la question, regardez bien le sens des pointillés et des guillemets.

Il y a trois propositions à chaque fois, pour une seule réponse.

Bon jeu à vous tous, les Katycats! :)
Question 1

Dark Horse: "' 'Cause I'm capable of...

...of everything of everything and anything"
...of anything of every sing and every sing"
...of anything of anything and everything"
Question 2

"Like a bird without a cage...

...And where you are"
...We're down to earth"
...So just be sure"
Question 3

Roar: "I got the eye of the tiger, the fighter...

...dancing to the fire"
...dancing on the fire"
...dancing through the fire"
Question 4

...Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes"

"Now I'm floating like a butterfly...
"Now I'm dancing like a butterfly...
"Now I'm flying like a butterfly...
Question 5

Firework: "So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road...

"Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed...
...Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow"
...Like a lightning bolt, you heart will flow"
Question 6

"Do you ever feel already buried deep?...

...2 feet under screams but one seems to say a thing"
...3 feet under screams but no one seems to listen a thing"
...6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing"
Question 7

Unconditionally: ...Let go and just be free"

"There is ni scream now...
"There is no fear now...
"There is no noises now...
Question 8

"To be truly free...

...What will you do for me?"
...Will do the different for me?"
...Will you do the same for me?"
Question 9

Last Friday Night: ...There's a pounding in my head"

"There's a stranger in my bed...
"There's a stronger in my bed...
"There's a wonder in my bed...
Question 10

"Yeah, we danced on table tops...

...Think we kissed, but I forgot"
...And we took too many shots"
...Trying to connect the dots"
Question 11

Wide Awake: "Yeah, I am born again...

Outta the lion's cave
Outta the lion's den
Outta ce lion's cage
Question 12

"Picked up every piece...

...And landed in my arms"
...And landed in my heart"
...And landed on my feet"
Question 13

California Gurls: "Once you party with us...

...You'll be falling in love"
...You'll be falling lover"
...You'll be become lover"
Question 14

...We got it on lock"

"Fame, fresh, fire...
"Fine, fresh, fierce...
"Fame, fresh, fierce...
Question 15

The One That Got Away: "All this money can't buy me a time machine-no...

...Can't replace you with a million rings. No-o-o"
...Can't forget you with a million rings. No-o-o"
...Can't change you with a million rings. No-o-o"
Question 16

...Be us against the world"

"We'd forget all our promises...
"We'd perform all our promises...
"We’d keep all our promises...
Question 17

Part Of Me: ...But you're not gonna break my soul"

"Throw your bombs and your blows...
"Throw your sticks and your stones...
"Throw your hatred and your anger...
Question 18

(Easy!) "But that was then and this is now...

...New look for me!"
...Now look at me!"
...Now I want say!"
Question 19

Hot N Cold: "The same energy...

...Now's a dead battery"
...Now's a war bloody"
...Now's a zero energy"
Question 20

BONUS: ...You're yes then you're no"

"You're not hot then you're not cold...
"You're cold then you're cold...
"You're hot then you're cold...

Voilà, mon quiz est terminé, j'espère qu'il vous a plu!

Si oui, petit sondage: Aimeriez vous que je refasse un autre quiz de ce type? (indiquez quels chanteurs!)

N'hésitez pas à noter mon quiz et à mettre des com'!
Merci à vous tous et bon jeu! :)

PS: Je sais, je n'ai pas pu mettre toutes les chansons de Katy Perry!
Laquelle préférez-vous? (Moi, Firework! :))


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Page 1
By FleurDelacour on July 27th, 2014

Merci beaucoup Susu! Ok!
PS: Ok, je vais en ressortir une série alors! Ce n'est pas grave, ne t'inquiète pas!
By Susu10 on July 18th, 2014

Excellent quiz!!:)

Alors pour ma chanson préférée de Katy Perry...J'en ai 3 en fait: "Firework", "California Girls" et Dark Horse!!:D


PS: oui, continue à faire des quizz comma ça!!Par contre je n'ai pas d'idée à te proposer, désolée!:/
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Quiz information

Author : FleurDelacour
Difficulty : Hard
Tags : paroles, katy, perry
Played : 61
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Average score : 62.7 %

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