Question 1
When was Lana Del Rey born ?
She was born on 21 June 1986
She was born on 30 febuary 1986
She was born on 15 may 1870

Question 2
What kind of dependence issues did she have in 1999 ?
She had alcohol dependence issues
She had drugs dependence issues
She had water dependence issues

Question 3
What did she begin studying at Fordham College in 2003 ?
She began studying draw
She began studying mathematics
She began studying metaphysic

Question 4
When did she release her first album ?
It was released in 1962
It was released in 2006
It was released in 2009

Question 5
What did she send to various producers in 2008 ?
She sent 2 EP (extended play)
She sent her first album
She sent flowers

Question 6
When did the signle "Video Games" appear online ?
It appears in May on 2005
It appears in December on 1987
It appears in August on 2011

Question 7
Where did she begin playing songs in 2010 ?
She began playing songs in a theather
She began playing songs in various underground clubs in New York
She began playing songs in a café

Question 8
Lana del Rey won the Q award on October 24th 2011, what was it for ?
For the best performance
For Next Big Thing
For the best album

Question 9
What was the name of her last album released on 16 June 2014 ?
The name was " Paradise "
The name was " Brooklyn Baby "
The name was " Ultraviolence "
