
Average rating : Published by sushiti on October 26th, 2020
Question porté sur le jazz

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Question 1

Where the jazz born ?

The jazz born in New Orleans
The jazz born in Chicago
The jazz born in New York
Question 2

With who the jazz born ?

Jazz born with American people
Jazz born with the New Yorkers and then they deported to New Orleans
Jazz born with Afro-Amarican communities
Question 3

Jazz is a mix of what ? (Plusieurs réponses possibles)

Jazz is mix of Occidental music and song of black
Jazz is a mix of Gospel / Blues
Jazz is a mix of folk/Funk
Question 4

What is the role of music and dance in the 1800s (in particular in congo square ?

The role of music and dance in the 1800s is to make it fun
The role of music and dance in the 1800s is to share their heritage and values
The role of music and dance in the 1800s is to disturb the other people present because this place is reserved
Now that we have seen the history of jazz let's talk about artists' places and instruments
Question 5

Which of these female personalities are jazz singers ? (Plusieurs réponses)

Aretha Franklin is a jazz singer
Cyndi Lauper is a jazz singer
Bonnie Tyler is a jazz singer
Norah Jones is a jazz singer
Ella Fitzgerald is a jazz singer
Suzanne Vega is a jazz singer
Eunice kathleen waymon is a jazz singer
Question 6

Who are the jazz artists who maded a concert at the duc des Lombars ?

The jazz artists who maded a concert at the duc des Lombars is David Sanborn
The jazz artists who maded a concert at the duc des Lombars is Charlie Parker
The jazz artists who maded a concert at the duc des Lombars Miles Davis
Question 7

How many saxophone families exists ?

There are 5 saxophone families
There are 7 saxophone families
There are 3 saxophone families
Question 8

With which other artists Ella Fitzgerald maded a orchersta ?

Ella Fitzgerald maded a orchersta with Norah Jones
Ella Fitzgerald maded a orchersta with Bardu Ali
Ella Fitzgerald maded a orchersta with Miles Davis
Question 9

What instrument plays Charlie Parker ?

Charlie Parker plays Vibraphone
Charlie Parker plays trombone
Charlie Parker plays Saxophone
Question 10

What is the job of Norah Jones ? (Plusieurs réponses)

Norah Jones is a Singer
Norah Jones is Jazz musician
Norah Jones is a Actress

Quiz information

Author : sushiti
Difficulty : EasyPlayed :
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3.patrickdave200278.3 %
4.nivle69.6 %
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6.sbastien47.8 %

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