Question 1
What is the acronym of ISS ?
In Space Station
Internationnal Space Station
Invincible Space Station
Amazing Gas Station

Question 2
In which yaer have created the ISS ?
In 1988
In 1993
In 1998
In 2018

Question 3
How many nation have created ISS ?

Question 4
Why do we use the ISS ?
For the extraterrestrial
For the fun
For study the space
For a vacation outing

Question 5
Who is the first man on going in ISS ?
Elon Musk
Neil Armstong
Bill Shepherd
Youri Gaganine

Question 6
How many coasts to build the ISS ?
150 milliards
200 milliards
300 milliards
350 milliards

Question 7
Which is the speed of ISS ?
15 200 km/h
21 000km/h
27 600 km/h
35 680 km/h
