Question 1
How to say QUIZ in the aeronautical alphabet?

Question 2
What is the name of the instrument that allows you to know in which position the plane is, even if you cannot look outside?

Question 3
What is the speed of sound (Mach)

Question 4
How is the speed determined on board an aircraft?

Question 5
Why do airplanes fly so high?

Question 6
In 1910, the first seaplane, nicknamed The Duck, managed to cross the Mediterranean?

Question 7
The DH 106 Comet, the first commercial jet aircraft, had square windows?

Question 8
Neil Armstrong is the first man to break the sound barrier?

Question 9
In 1961, the Convair XFY-1 was the first mass-produced vertical take-off aircraft?

Question 10
In 1927, Charles Lindbergh made the first successful crossing of the Atlantic by plane?
