
Fille de paysan

Average rating : Published by Mélissarea on March 22nd, 2023

Question 1

Wlh is the direct or on thé film « Fille de paysan »?

Julie Maniukian
Thierry Godard
Jane Campion
Question 2
What is the story about ?

From a florist
From a family whose parents are farmers
Of a class
Question 3

What is the girl’s name ?

Question 4

Who is Murielle ?

The aunt
The mothers
The fathers
Question 5

Why is the family farm bankrupt ?

Because they sold a hen illegaly
Because they were denouced
Because they don’t work

Click here if you wish to read this hintBankrupt = faillite
Question 6
What do they decide to keep the farm ?

Pay the fine
Sell morte vegetables at the market to pay
Build a chicken coop that will save them a fine
Question 7
Once the chicken housse is build, What happens ?

They are told that the laws have changed and therefore that the chicken coop is not big enough
That everything’s OK
That they will be able to accommodate clicks
Question 8
What does the girl do to help her parents ?

Leave the housse
Go see a journalist to talk about his online kitty and his story
Start a online kitty
Question 9
Who plays the role of Emilie Pécourneau in the film ?

Jane Campion
Justine Lacroix
Julie Manoukian
Question 10
Where does the movie take place ?

In Lot et Garonne
In Mayenne
In 47


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Quiz information

Author : Mélissarea
Difficulty : EasyPlayed : 16
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Average score : 64 %

1.harmonie100 %
2.sbastien100 %
3.Chapu90 %
4.PaulJustineYlan70 %
5.Frandy_plouvien65 %
6.MartinRobin60 %
7.Matthieudu55 %
8.GabrielAdrien55 %
9.Eliottmaëlloïs40 %
10.EliseCamille5 %

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