Rank : Gargoyle
(level 10)

Age : 21 years old
Gender : female
Country : United Kingdom
Played quizes : 68
Created quizes : 17
6940 points
Was rated in average : 5
His/her creations have reached : 1043 played games
Comments received : 0
Comments left : 0
Average score in quizes : 63.97%

Registered : November 17th, 2022
Last connection : April 11th, 2023
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Quizes (16)

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  • SOCIALE51558fr2022-12-04 11:29:46December 4th, 2022Philo, psy244000.0007.50
  • EPISTEMOLOGIE51562fr2022-12-05 08:14:25December 5th, 2022Philo, psy212000.0007.50
  • EPISTEMOLOGIE51577fr2023-02-15 11:26:42February 15th, 2023Philo, psy17000.0007.50
  • COGNITIVE51648fr2023-02-15 11:26:18February 15th, 2023Philo, psy19000.0007.50
  • COGNITIVE51650fr2023-02-15 11:25:37February 15th, 2023Philo, psy11000.0007.50
  • COGNITIVE51651fr2022-12-20 07:51:59December 20th, 2022Philo, psy15000.0007.50
  • COGNITIVE51661fr2023-02-15 11:24:40February 15th, 2023Philo, psy12000.0007.50
  • COGNITIVE51662fr2022-12-20 07:53:26December 20th, 2022Philo, psy15000.0007.50
  • DEV51962en2023-02-15 11:21:45February 15th, 2023Philosophy105000.00017.141
  • DEV51964en2023-02-15 11:22:08February 15th, 2023Philosophy56000.00017.141
  • Psychologie clinique51965en2023-02-16 09:11:23February 16th, 2023Philosophy143000.00017.141
  • CLINIQUE51977fr2023-02-16 09:56:29February 16th, 2023Philo, psy58015.0007.50
  • CLINQUE51996en2023-02-18 09:12:46February 18th, 2023Philosophy33000.00017.141
  • Development52358en2023-04-11 07:31:41April 11th, 2023Philosophy46000.00017.141
  • DEVELOPMENT52359en2023-04-11 07:50:31April 11th, 2023Philosophy55000.00017.141
  • DEVELOPEMMENT52360en2023-04-11 08:28:03April 11th, 2023Philosophy19000.00017.141

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