Question 1
What happened behind the scenes as Hollywood the latter years?

Question 2
Why Weinstein has been accused?
For dog-jacking
Of fraud
Of rape and aggresion

Question 3
Who is Harvey Weinstein?
An american president
A productor
A realisator
An engineer

Question 4
When he was accused?
Decembre 2016
October 2017
April 2017

Question 5
Since how many time did Harvey Weinstein hide his secret?
Around 40 years
Around 20 years
Around 2 years

Question 6
How did he hide this secret so long?
He paid the victims women
He paid some spies
He druged some women

Question 7
How many womens declared his crimes ?

Question 8
Who did he assault?
Angelina Jolie
Selena Gomez
Emma Stone

Question 9
What peratty incurs Havey Weinstein?
10 years in prison and 1 million of dollars
Life sentence and 100 millions of dollars
30 years in prison and 600 millions of dollars
2 years in prison and 1 000 dollars

Question 10
Who is the ex-wife of Harvey Weinstein?

Question 11
What did she do when she heard the news?
She left him.
She tried to kill him.
She committed suicide.
She created an association.

Question 12
How many children Harvey has he got ?

Question 13
What French actress has reacted to the case ?
Marion Cotillard
Catherine Deneuve
Mimie Mathy
Sophie Marceau

Question 14
What did she say ?
"I'm so happy to heard this."
"It's deserved for these women."
"I don't want to add my word to that of others."
"I don't understand where is the problem."

Question 15
Which hastag was launched on social networks following this case ?

Question 16
In 2016, how many women are killed by their husband in France ?

Question 17
How many women have been sexually assaulted at least once in a lifetime ?

Question 18
Following these assaults, how many women have complained ?
8 out of 10 women
6 out of 10 women
2 out of 10 women
3 out of 10 women

Question 19
In what series known all over the world an actor was accused of rape?

Question 20
Who are the people who were accused of rape and sexual harassment in Hollywood recently?
Dustin Hoffman
George Clooney
Brett Ratner
Leonardo DiCaprio
