Question 1
Find the correct definition for the word "solitary"
Having no one else present; on one's own
Sad because one has no friends or company
Done or existing alone

Question 2
Find the correct definition for the word "lone"
Having no companions; solitary or single
Sad because one has no friends or company
Alone of its or their kind; single or solitary

Question 3
Find the correct definition for the word "lonely"
Sad because one has no friends or company
Having no one else present; on one's own
Alone of its or their kind; single or solitary

Question 4
Find the correct definition for the word "only"
Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
Just one as opposed to any more or to none at all; single (used for emphasis)
Alone of its or their kind; single or solitary

Question 5
Which adjective is only used before a noun?

Question 6
Which adjective cannot be used before a noun?
