Question 1
Where is this house situated ?
Place Emile Zola
Place Bossuet
Place Carquelin

Question 2
What's the name of the Pastry Chef ?

Question 3
In which century this legend is happening ?
14th century
19th century
4th century

Question 4
What is the special dish that created the Pastry Chef's reputation ?

Question 5
What is the name of the ressource book annouced ?
"Les vieilles maisons de Dijon
"Les vieilles morues de Dijon"
"La maison maudite de Dijon"
"La maison de l'horreur de Dijon"

Question 6
What is the reason why people started wondering ?
Some Dogs desappeared
Kids desappeared
The cleric desappeared

Question 7
Which special event made people blaming the pastry in the second version of the story ?
The wigmaker grassed him up
The mother was a fan of his pâté
He went to the police and admitted his faults

Question 8
What did police discovered in the pastry'shop in the first version ?
Jars of eyes
Kids' bloody'scraps
Arms and legs
