Average rating : Published by A320quiz on July 6th, 2016
Airbus a320 FCOM system auto flight naviagation part6

Question 1

The navigation display presents a pseudo waypoint (intercept point) along the flight plan that assumes the aircraft will return to the profile using?

Idle thrust
1/2 speedbrake extension
ECON speed plus a martin (until intercepting the profile)
All answers above are correct
Question 2
Descending in the DES mode with speedbrake extented and flying below the profile, does it increase the descent rate?

Question 3
The OPEN DES mode maintains a SPD/MACH (selected or manager) with?

AP/FD pitch mode
Thrust power
Question 4
Is the OPEN DES mode disregards all altitude constraints?

Question 5
The soft altitude mode corrects minor deviations from Mach Target by allowing a variation from the CRZ FL of ?

10 ft
20 ft
50 ft
100 ft
Question 6
Using the Vertical Speed (V/S) during the descent, the corresponding A/THR mode Is?

Question 7
Which statement Is True?

The speed Guidance has priority over the V/S (FPA)
The V/S (FPA) guidance has priority over the speed guidance
Question 8
If the selected Target V/S or FPA during descent is too high, the FMGC will steer the aircraft to the Target V/S or FPA, bit the aircraft will also?

Maintain cureent speed
Question 9
Expedite mode is an OPEN mode uses in Climb or descent to reach desired altitude with?

The maximum vertical gradient
The best rate of Climb
Question 10
During climb, if you press the "EXPED" push button, the Target speed is ?

Green Dot
Green Dot + 10 knots
220 knots
250 knots
Question 11
During descent, if you press the "EXPED" push button, the Target speed is ?

Green Dot
340 kt or M 0.8
350 kt or M 0.82
VMO -2 kt
Question 12
When EXPEDITE is engaged, does it respect SPD CSTR, ALT CSTR and SPD LIM?

Question 13
You are in CLB mode and in NAV mode, you decide to disengage the NAV mode using HDG, the vertical mode reverts to?

Question 14
You are in DES mode and in NAV mode, you decide to disengage the NAV mode using HDG, the vertical mode reverts to?

Question 15
When in OPEN mode is engaged, the aircraft climbs or descends tiwards the altitude set on the FCU, if the flight crew sets the FCU altitude to a Target not compatible with the active open mode, a mode reversion occurs it engages ?

V/S on the current vertical speed
Level off
Question 16
ALT* engaged, the target altitude is changed by any value greater than 250 ft, the reversion mode engages ?

V/S on the current vertical speed
Level off
Question 17
Following FDs. OPEN mode in climb with AP not engaged. You decide to not follow the FD bars to maintain the commanded Climb (pitch too low and ATHR in max climb thrust), the aircraft accelerates then?

It active the overspeed protection resulting info pitch up moment to avoid flying info VMO
OPEN mode maintain the speed even if you not follow the FDs bars
Both FDs disengage when VMAX +4 is reached (VMAX being VMO, VLE or VFE), if A/THR active it reverts to SPEED mode
"MORE DRAG" appear on the PFD and on the scratchpad
Question 18
Climbing with V/S mode engaged, if the selected V/S value is excessive (with regards to thrust and speed), the FMGS maintains the V/S Target, but the IAS decreases. When reaching VLS...?

The AP automatically disconnect and you have to take over
The AP temporarily abandons the V/S target and automatically decreases the vertical speed to maintain VLS
It activates A/FLOOR protection
TOGA LOCK is flashing on the FMA
Question 19
Following FDs. OPEN mode in descent with AP not engaged. You decide to not follow the FD bars to maintain the commanded pitch, the aircraft decelerates (insufficient descent rate and idle thrust), when reaching VLS you can expect?

Both FDs disengage, if A/THR active, reverts to SPEED mode and increases thrust to recover the speed target
The AP automatically disconnect and you have to take over
It activates A/FLOOR protection
TOGA LOCK is flashing on the FMA
Question 20
Descending with V/S mode engaged, if the selected V/S value is excessive (with regards to thrust and speed), the FMGS maintains the V/S Target, but the IAS increases. When reaching VMAX (VMO or VLE in clean or VFE +4...?

It active the overspeed protection resulting info pitch up moment to avoid flying info VMO
It revert into the OPEN mode to maintain the speed even if you not follow the FDs bars
The AP temporarily abandons the V/S target and automatically decreases the vertical speed to maintain VMAX
"MORE DRAG" appear on the PFD and on the scratchpad
Question 21
On take off after lift off the AP is available after ?

2 seconds
5 seconds
10 seconds
400 feet
Question 22
What does SRS mode (Speed Reference System)?

It controls pitch to steer the aircraft along a path in the vertical plan at a speed defined by the SRS guidance law
Maintain speed 145 kt with more or less 5 knots
Maintain a speed between V2 and the operating speed (F or S speed)
Maintain a speed above 1.23 of VLS
Question 23
The SRS mode engages automatically when the thrust levers are set to?

Question 24
What happen if you select a speed while SRS mode is engaged?

Nothing, SRS mode remains active
SRS reverts to OP CLB mode and a triple-click aural warning is heard
SRS reverts to CLB mode and a triple-click aural warning is heard
SRS reverts to V/S mode and a triple-click aural warning is heard
Question 25
In Engine Out conditions what does the SRS mode at the EO ACC ALT?

EO ACC ALT will flash on the FMA
It reverts to the Engine Out acceleration, pitch goes down the let the aircraft accelerate
You have to the he thrust on Climb detent
It does not automatically disengage, the EO ACC ALT is just a reminder
Question 26
In SRS mode, the aircraft maintains a speed Target equal to (in normal engine configuration)?

Question 27
In SRS mode, when the FMGS detects an engine failure, the speed Target becomed the highest of V2 or current speed, limimted by?

Question 28
Which statement is not True, the SRS guidance law also incluses?

Attitude protection to reduce aircraft nose-up effect during takeoff (18 or 22.5 degrees max in case of windshear)
Flight path angle protection that ensures a minimum vertical speed of 120ft/min
A speed protection limiting the target speed V2+15 kt
Bank angle protection by 25 degrees maximum
Question 29
What happen if during takeoff crew inadvertently sets an altitude on the FCU below the current altitude?

The aircraft will remain in SRS mode until the flight crew takes some other action
The aircraft reverts to V/S mode
The aircraft goes in OPEN climb
The aircraft level off
Question 30
The RWY mode (which is on the FMA) gives lateral guidance orders during takeoff roll and initial climb out (up to 30 ft RA), only if?

Glide path signal is available
GPS is available
LOC signal is available
High accuracy


  • LENNO320127628June 5th, 2017Nr. 29 your answer is incorrect, ref to answer :If during takeoff the flight crew inadvertently sets an altitude on the FCU below the current altitude, the aircraft will remain in SRS mode until the flight crew takes some other action.........Ident.: DSC-22_30-80-20-A-00012259.0011001 / 16 MAR 11
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Quiz information

Author : A320quiz
Difficulty : Medium
Tags : a320, system, dsc, 22, fcom
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