Question 1
Pitch FD bar (or FPV) flashes permanently when?
Transmission of the GLIDE data is interrupted when in G/S, G/S* or LAND modes above 100 ft RA
When in APPR mode (G/S*,G/S, LAND,FINAL), FD reverts to V/S mode (flight crew action or loss of vertical approach mode)
When one FD is switch OFF
Transmission of the LOC data is interrupted when in LOC, LOC* or LAND modes above 15 ft RA
Question 2
Which statement is not true whenbthe roll FD bar (or FPV) flashes 10 s and then remains steady?
When in APPR mode (LOC*, LOC, LAND, APP NAV), FD reverts to HDG mode ( flight crew action or loss of latéral approach mode)
One AP or one FD is engaged while both AP/FD were previously OFF
The bank angle exceeds 33 degree
Question 3
Roll FD bar (or FPV) flashes permanently when?
Transmission of the GLIDE data is interrupted when in G/S, G/S* or LAND modes above 100 ft RA
When in APPR mode (G/S*,G/S, LAND,FINAL), FD reverts to V/S mode (flight crew action or loss of vertical approach mode)
When one FD is switch OFF
Transmission of the LOC data is interrupted when in LOC, LOC* or LAND modes above 15 ft RA
Question 4
The flight crew can engage AP1 or AP2 by pressing the corresponding pushbutton on the FCU if the aircraft has been airborne for at least?
At any time
3 seconds
5 seconds
10 seconds
Question 5
Is it possible to engage one AP (Auto Pilot) on ground if the engines are not running?
Question 6
Is it possible to engage only one AP (Auto Pilot) when performing a précision approach?
Question 7
You are flying manual with both FDs OFF, what happen if you engage one AP?
The AP can not engage if both FDs are switched OFF
It engages NAV mode
The AP engages in HDG V/S or TRK FPA mode
It engages then disconnect
Question 8
If one AP pb is set to ON with at least one FD already ON, The AP..?
Engages in the current active FD modes
Can not be engage
Question 9
Is any altitude during take off the Auto Pilot might be engage?
50 feet
100 feet
400 feet
Question 10
What is the standard way for the flight crew to disengage the Auto Pilot?
There is no standard way to disconnect the Auto pilot
To press the takeover pb on the sidestick
To press the corresponding AP pb on the FCU
To press the takeover pb on the sidestick or the corresponding AP pb on the FCU
Question 11
Which statement is not True? In normal law with all protections available, the AP Will disconnect if:
High speed protection is active
Angle-of -attack protection is active (a prit +1 degree is reached)
Pitch attitude exceeds 25 up, or 13 down, or Bank angle exceeds 45
The speed enter VLS
Question 12
Which kind of warning can you expect if the disengagement of the Auto Pilot results from a failure, or by pushing the pushnutton on the FCU, or from a force on the sidestick?
The warnings are temporary
The visual and audio warnings are continual
An audio warning
A visual permanent warning
Question 13
When can you expect an autoland red light flashes in case of failures That require the interruption of an automatic landing?
At any altitude
Below 2500 feet RA
Below 400 feet RA
Below 200 feet RA
Question 14
What happen if during takeoff V2 is not inserted?
The flight will remain in direct law
The flight will remain in alternate law
The SRS mode will not engage
Nothing special
Question 15
During the flight and out of an approach phase, what can you Read on the first column of the FMA if you switch OFF both AP/FDs?
Empty column
Question 16
When expedite mode Is engaged, the system ?
Respects SPD LIM and SPD CSTR
Respects at least SPD CSTR
Disregards SPD LIM and SPD CSTR
Maintain the SPD CSTR whoh the best rate of climb
Question 17
Flying with slats and flaps extented, can you select a speed and Fly at a speed below maneuvering speed? (VAPP, F, S, Green Dot)
Question 18
During flight, if a manager speed/mach target is set above VMAX (VFE, VMO, MMO), the FMGS automatically...?
Limits the speed to VMAX
Limits the speed to VMAX -10 knots
Limits the speed to VMAX -6 knots
Fly the target speed and There is a risk of an overspeed protection activation
Question 19
In approach phase, the managed speed target on the PFD is ?
Ground speed mini
Question 20
The ground speed mini is computed by?
Question 21
The selected speed/mach target is set beyond VLS or VMAX, but when autothrust is active, the...?
Speed will be reached
Guidance limits the speed to VLS or VMAX
Question 22
Which statement Is True?
Selected speed has priority over managed speed
Managed speed jas priority over selected speed
Question 23
The only automatic change-over from selected to manager speed target may occur ?
At Take-off
When approach phase active
At go-around mode engagement
Speed constraint in NAV mode
Question 24
If no V2 is entered at takeoff, what Can you expect at 5 seconds after lift-off unstead SRS on the FMA?
Question 25
Before take off, during the line up for exemple, you preset a HDG or a TRK on the FCU by turning the HDG/TRK knob, This as a consequence?
NAV is disarmed and at 30 ft, RWY TRK is annunciated until the HDG/TRK knob is pulled
NAV is still armed because you Just preset on the FCU without pulling the knob
NAV is disarmed and at 30 ft HDG/TRK (which was preselected) appear on the FMA
NAV is armed, everything which is preset on the ground do not engage once in flight
Question 26
The NAV mode engages automatically at ?
Lift off
10 ft RA after takeoff
30 ft RA after takeoff
50 ft RA after takeoff
Question 27
When OPEN CLB mode is a selected mode, it uses?
The AP/FD pitch mode to maintain a SPD/MACH
The Thrust mode to maintain a V/S
Question 28
The OPEN CLB mode...?
Follow all constraints on the vertical profile
Disregards all altitude constraints up to the FCU selected altitude
Question 29
On the PFD, you Can see the VDEV SYMBOL which shows you That you are below the profile, how to check the correct value of the deviation?
Question 30
On the F-PLAN page, it's written between two waypoints "TOO STEEP PATH" when?
Distance between the 2 waypoints is too short
You are too high on profile
The pitch attitude expected is more than -5 degree down
When FM predicts That is impossible to Fly at the planned descent speed with half speedbrakes extended