Quizity's blog

E-mails : digital signature

Did you know that 90% of the e-mails sent in the world are spam ? For you internaut, it makes you waste you time when it reaches your inbox. For us webmasters, it is a serious issue because your mail providers are always stricter when it comes to spam filtering, and put us in the "Unwanted mail" folder. Can you believe that one person out of four does not even get the confirmation mail when registering on Quizity !

To ensure this issue does not happen again (or stays exceptional), we just implemented no less than four security norms used in anti-spam policy. All ou e-mails now provide a digital signature ! Furthermore, we moved our mail server to a better provider. It took us a whole week but should be worth the while : Gmail, Yahoo and the others will be able to verify that our messages are legitimate and indeed come from us. See you soon in your inbox :)

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